Wise Cart

Your branded AI-powered cart that shows recommendations based on the products the customer has added to cart, progress bar with an announcement banner

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AI-based Recommendations

We use your customer’s past purchase history along with other variables to formulate the perfect recommendation list. This helps enhance users’ experience with your brand and increase your overall conversion rate.

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Frequently Bought Together

Frequently bought together showcases items that compliment the product the visitor is interested in. This can be “complete your look” “customers also bought” “You might also be interested in” kind of campaigns.

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Abandoned Cart Recovery

Nudge cart abandoners directly on the website. Show the abandoned products on your homepage or product page in the least salesy and non-intrusive way.

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Recently Viewed

Show shoppers previously viewed products to boost conversion.

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Most Popular

Most popular campaign allows you to share an array of your most sought-after products with your users.

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Manual Recommendation

No one knows your needs better than you do. With ConvertWise’s Wild Card, you have complete control over your campaign and can modify it however you see fit. You can suggest any product to any user segment on any page of your choice.

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Personalized Banner

We give you the ability to show different banners on your homepage based on the user visiting your website.

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